Hosting in Ukraine

at affordable price
Choose plan


2.78 $ per month


5.56 $ per month


7.20 $ per month


8.80 $ per month

Choose a payment term

Shared hosting advantages


Quick start

Control panel allows to activate hosting automatically. You could manage your orders immediately when registration is complete.

Easy payment

We offer a variety of payment methods, which make it possible to pay and activate your orders quickly. We support Visa / MasterCard payment, Privat24, online terminals and other

Quick file transfer

We know that customers often have difficulties in transferring websites. We appreciate our customers time and ready to make a transfer for free


Hewlett-Packard and Dell servers with high-performance provide fault tolerance to your websites. We use hybrid technology with SSD drives

Usability of email

We offer usability with your email on our web hosting. With Internet anywhere you have an access to your email.

Control Pane

Efficient user interface and easy management allows to work with your hosting without deep knowledge of computer technologies.

The principles of shared hosting

Hosting with cloud technologies in Ukraine – is more reliable and better than shared hosting. Thanks to platform CloudLinux each customer is isolated and has a dedicated CPU resources and memory. Your hosting account is located in a separate environment, "neighbors" on the server will not influence its work.

To purchase web hosting service, you can directly on our website by using our web interface.

Hosting in Ukraine from «RX-NAME» will provide the work of your website 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Technicians of «RX-NAME» are constantly monitoring the network and server infrastructure, so we guarantee that you will not have any disconnections or inconveniences.

If we need to make maintenance works, all our customers are informed before in a few days - so you'll be spared from unpleasant surprises and losses and your website will be always online.

Hosting in Ukraine with affordable price

Hosting: Ukrainian, Russian, or any international is a cornerstone of any online activity and success of website. You can spend huge amounts of money for web design, layout and graphical and text content of your page, but if your website does not have reliable host, all efforts will be in vain.

Reliable Web Hosting is not always expensive, company RX-NAME offers you to buy hosting for a long-term at a good and competitive price.Our company is one of the most reliable hosting providers. Since the Ukrainian domain zone covers a narrow audience, reliability of Ukrainian hosting is much higher and the "falls" of sites are rare. Among the other advantages of RX-NAME hosting - suitable management, that allows you to configure your website in a short time, make payments and renewal. Customer could make all configurations from the dashboard automatically and contact the support to get help.

More about
hosting plans
2.78 $ per month
5.56 $ per month
7.20 $ per month
8.80 $ per month
Disk capacity, GB 10 20 40 70
Traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Number of sites 5 10 20 Unlimited
Mailboxes 5 500 1000 Unlimited
Amount of RAM, MB 512 1024 2048 3072
MySQL databases 5 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Size of each MySQL database Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
FTP users 20 50 100 Unlimited
Database management system phpMyAdmin
Data backup daily daily daily daily
MySQL 5.x.x support
PHP 5.3 - 8.1 support
Backup management
Subdomains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited