Tag: Extension DNS

Setting Up a Domain on Cloudflare: Why Is It Necessary?

Setting up a domain on Cloudflare

In the digital technology era, the importance of reliability and efficiency of websites cannot be underestimated. Optimization and security of internet resources have long been at the forefront of these characteristics, especially in the context of growing cyber threats and the need for quick access to any information. Cloudflare plays a key role here, offering advanced solutions not only in the field of protection and acceleration of website performance but also in the process of domain setup, which is a significant step in increasing page load speed, reducing server load, and establishing a reliable barrier against DDoS attacks. This not only ensures the smooth operation of your own site but also is an important element in building trust and security for users in the digital space.

RX-NAME has implemented DNSSEC support for everyone.

We were one of the first registrars to participate in testing and signed our own domain with DNSSEC. Now we officially open access to all our customers for signing DNSSEC. You can start using this signature both in our DNS administrator and by signing your domain using third-party DNS servers.

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