Month: November 2020

10 most popular domains in Ukraine.

New domain zones appear quite often. They are used to register different websites on the internet. In Ukraine, the most popular top-level domain is UA, which is used for the majority of the country’s websites.

The domain name is formed in accordance with established rules. The domain consists of several components: the top-level domain, root and second-level domain, as well as a subdomain.

Top-level domain UA: history and characteristics

UA is a top-level domain in Ukraine. It is used for registering new websites that target Ukrainian users. Typically, second-level subdomains are used when registering trademarks or commercial organizations. According to current legislation, registration of second-level domains in the domain zone is possible in cases where the website name completely matches the name of the trademark.

Dedicated Server: Main Differences from VPS

To host a website on the internet, a server is required. Hosting is the ability to place your resource on a provider’s server for a fee. There are several possible solutions that are popular. Traditional providers are becoming less popular because they do not provide the required functionality and performance.

Hosting on virtual or dedicated servers has become more popular. Cloud technologies are also used, which significantly reduce computing power. The choice of one or another solution depends on the direction of activity, goals, and traffic. To choose hosting, it is important to consider many factors.

How to transfer a website to an SSL certificate?

Moving your website to the HTTPS protocol will provide higher rankings and increase security. User information security is provided by using an SSL certificate. Moving to a new domain helps search engines better recognize your website during processing. Google or Yandex index sites using the HTTPS protocol faster.

As a result, targeted traffic increases, the web page occupies higher positions. More customers visit the website, increasing traffic. HTTPS has become a universal standard. Sites using HTTP have lower levels of trust, gradually falling behind and being flagged by search engines as suspicious. It makes sense to switch to a new domain. Follow the necessary instructions to do so.

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