Tag: Colocation

How to Find a Reliable Place for Continuous Server Operation?

Colocation of servers

Today, access to information and online services has become an integral part of our lives and businesses, making the reliability and uninterrupted operation of servers a key success factor. This issue is particularly acute in Ukraine, where the return to regular power outages due to attacks on critical infrastructure forces entrepreneurs to seek alternative solutions.

So, how do you find a reliable place for the continuous operation of your own server? Let’s discuss this in more detail in our article.

How to Choose a Reliable Location for Server Equipment Hosting?

Server equipment hosting

Server equipment is a crucial component of any IT infrastructure. It ensures data storage, information processing, and access to services. Therefore, selecting a reliable location for hosting server equipment is essential for uninterrupted operation and security.

One such option is colocation – a service that involves placing a client’s server equipment in a provider’s data center. This special facility provides optimal conditions for the equipment’s operation.

Choosing a Reliable Provider for Remote Accounting: What to Consider When Selecting Server Services

Server services for remote accounting

In today’s world, where remote work is becoming the norm for our society, the reliability and efficiency of server services are gaining even greater importance. This is particularly relevant in the field of accounting, where security, data processing speed, and information availability are critically important for companies and organizations. With each passing year, the number of providers offering these services increases, as does the demand for them. However, how then to choose a reliable and experienced company among such a number, and what exactly should be considered when selecting it? Let’s talk about this in our article today.

The SERVER.UA data center serves as an example of reliable infrastructure ensuring stable operation during blackouts

Operation of a data center during a blackout

Modern Ukraine faces constant threats and challenges, which we especially experienced last year. Some of the most memorable events include widespread damage to critical infrastructure and daily power outages resulting from numerous blackouts in every populated area of the country. Although it was difficult, Ukrainians managed to cope with this challenge, demonstrating their resilience and adaptability to any conditions.

«Colocation» in data centers: reliability and security of equipment placement

Colocation is a common practice of housing one’s own server equipment in a specialized data center. It is used by both large IT companies and any organizations that have their own server equipment but lack the appropriate space or conditions for its installation and proper functioning. Today, we will take a closer look at the essence of «colocation» its characteristics, who specifically needs this service, and how to choose a reliable data center that will meet all your needs.

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