Tag: server settings

Step-by-step Guide to Setting Up a VPS for Efficient Work with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Setting up a VPS for work with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a wide array of computing resources and services that can be integrated with your Virtual Private Server (VPS) to create a powerful, scalable, and secure environment for your web application or business. Let’s take a look at a step-by-step guide on setting up a VPS for efficient work with AWS, including network configuration, security settings, and resource management.

How to Free Up Disk Space on a VPS Server: Step-by-Step Guide

VPS server

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) have long been popular among developers and administrators for hosting websites, applications, and other projects. However, over time, if you don’t manage resources efficiently, you may encounter issues with limited free space on your server. In this article, we will discuss what to do in such a situation and how to free up disk space on a VPS server using a step-by-step guide.

How to Connect to a Remote Windows Desktop on a Virtual Server?

Remote desktop

In the era of digital technology, remote work has become the standard for many companies and individual users. In this process, to ensure convenient and secure access to a work environment, many people use virtual servers. But how do you connect to a remote Windows desktop on a virtual server in such a case? Today, we will discuss this in more detail.

Efficiency of Working with Graphics: How a Graphics Card Affects Server Performance

Graphics Card

In today’s world of innovation, where computational tasks are becoming increasingly complex and resource-intensive, the role of a graphics card in server operations is gaining more importance. This is because a graphics card, specialized in graphics processing, can influence server performance and enable faster and more efficient operations. In this article, we will explore how a graphics card affects servers and why its utilization can be a crucial factor in enhancing productivity.

How to Store Surveillance Camera Data on a Remote Server?

Surveillance camera data

Today, surveillance cameras are an important aspect of providing control and security in various domains of activity. However, storing a large volume of video data requires proper solutions for their effectiveness. This is where a remote server comes to the rescue – a powerful tool that enables storing, managing, and providing access to your important camera surveillance data.

DevOps Engineer: a profession that bridges programmers and system administrators

DevOps Engineer

The modern technological landscape creates new opportunities for the functioning of various industries, which in turn requires constant refinement and optimization of their work. In this context, the profession of a DevOps Engineer (Development and Operations Engineer) has become a crucial link between programmers and system administrators. This profession is focused on tasks related to automation, ensuring reliability and speed of development, as well as ensuring effective operation of websites and servers.

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