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How can a business become more noticeable? Tips from SEO specialists

How can a business become more noticeable?

Local search plays a significant role in SEO optimization and is an important factor for the successful promotion of small and medium-sized businesses on the Internet. For many entrepreneurs, it can even be the only way to attract customers and increase their turnover. So what is local search and how can it help a business become more noticeable? Let’s talk about this in our article today.

How to Set Up Email: Tips for Beginners and Professionals

Setting up email

Email is an important and integral part of the operation of any modern company. Today, it is not only a means of exchanging information, but also an essential tool for business, marketing, and customer service. Therefore, knowing the basic tools for working with email is essential, but its specific settings for effective operation are even more important, which we will focus on in our article today.

How to Increase Sales for an Online Store: 10 Proven Methods

How to increase sales for an online store?

Success in online retail is determined by many factors that can have both a positive and negative impact. However, among all these elements, it is extremely important to focus on one key aspect – the volume of sales, which defines the business’s positioning in the competitive environment of the modern internet world and indicates its own development. Sometimes, however, the result of this process can fluctuate under the influence of various external and internal factors, which significantly do not meet previous expectations. So, what exactly are the factors that affect sales, how to respond to these challenges, and what strategies to apply to improve the situation? These key questions will be discussed in our article today.

Practical Guide: How to Transfer Your Website to RX-NAME.UA Hosting

How to transfer website to new hosting?

At first glance, transferring a website to a new hosting service might seem like a daunting task, especially for those who have never dealt with it before. However, by following the step-by-step instructions we have prepared for you today using RX-NAME.UA as an example, you can easily and safely transfer your site to any hosting service. So let’s begin!

Why Hiring a Server Administrator: The Importance of a Professional’s Work in Online Business

Server administrator

In every field of activity, professionals play a vital role in the functioning of the entire process, and in online business, one of these key figures is the administrator. They are divided into several types depending on the direction of work, such as a system administrator, network administrator, database administrator, or security administrator. However, in this article, let’s take a closer look at the profession of a server administrator and find out why their work is an integral part of success in any online business.

First Steps in Practical AI Implementation

Practical AI implementation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long since become an integral part of our lives, transforming and reshaping various sectors of business, technology, and the world as a whole. While there are ongoing debates about its potential threats to humanity, it also presents limitless opportunities for companies willing to utilize AI in practice. However, before stepping into the world of neural networks, it’s essential to carefully plan and execute several key actions. In this article, we propose to explore three primary stages for a successful start in using AI in your business.

The SERVER.UA data center serves as an example of reliable infrastructure ensuring stable operation during blackouts

Operation of a data center during a blackout

Modern Ukraine faces constant threats and challenges, which we especially experienced last year. Some of the most memorable events include widespread damage to critical infrastructure and daily power outages resulting from numerous blackouts in every populated area of the country. Although it was difficult, Ukrainians managed to cope with this challenge, demonstrating their resilience and adaptability to any conditions.

International Marketing Day: From Advertising to Consumer Psychology Secrets

International Marketing Day

We’re sure you’ll agree with us that the modern world is impossible to imagine without marketing. This field has become an integral and important part of any business and society as a whole. Today, on November 4th, we celebrate the holiday of professionals in this field – International Marketing Day. A day that reminds us once again of the importance of this industry in our world and recognizes its achievements and contributions to the development of international sales.

So, let’s take a closer look together on this day at the history of the birth of marketing, the role of advertising in this process, and the secrets of consumer psychology that underlie marketing strategies.

Secrets of Video Marketing on TikTok: How to Create Attractive Content for Promoting Products and Services

Video marketing on TikTok

TikTok is a popular social network that has become a true phenomenon in the world of digital content in recent years. Its main essence is short videos ranging from 15 seconds to one minute, accompanied by music, filters, and effects. Here, anyone can express themselves and their creativity, find like-minded people, and communicate with their target audience (TA) by exchanging messages. TikTok is typically used for entertaining content, but now it has also become a powerful tool for promoting products and services.

How to Get Customer Reviews: Techniques You Didn’t Know About

Customer reviews

There’s no denying the crucial role customer reviews play in any business. They not only maintain a positive company image but also build trust among potential customers. In this article, we’ll explore the role customer reviews play in business operations and share some techniques for effectively obtaining them that you may not have known about.

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