Category: Company

Office or Remote Work: Finding the Balance between Comfort and Productivity

With the advancement of technology and the growth of the global Internet network, more and more people have the opportunity to choose between working in an office or remotely. This opens up countless possibilities and poses an important question: how can we find the balance between comfort and productivity in this scenario? Today, we will delve into this issue and share some tips on how to ensure successful work regardless of the work environment.

What should quality technical customer support be like?

Customers are the most valuable asset of any company, as they determine its success and future growth. The more satisfied customers a business has, the better its reputation and image in the chosen market for goods or services. Communication and interaction with customers play a crucial role in achieving this.

During the collaboration with a company, customers may have numerous questions, issues, or even complaints. To address them, organizations create dedicated support departments that focus on customer assistance.

DNS record transfer has become easier and more convenient.

The task of transferring a domain between registrars is not difficult and can be done quickly, usually taking from 5 minutes to 7 days. The time required for this stage depends on the level of automation and capabilities of the registrar.

But what about transferring existing DNS records to new DNS servers?


Обновленная реферальная программа!

Мы рады объявить о обновление  и улучшении реферальной программы RX-NAME.

Поддержка RX-NAME доступна в телеграмме

Наша компания стремится создать наиболее комфортные условия для наших клиентов и чтобы вам было удобнее общаться с нами на ходу используя мобильный телефона, мы запустили специальный аккаунт в Telegram.

SMS-информирование об окончании срока действия услуг

SMS-информирование — сервис информационных SMS-сообщений по операциям с использованием услуг компании.

Нам исполняется 16 лет

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