Category: Domains

10 most popular domains in Ukraine.

New domain zones appear quite often. They are used to register different websites on the internet. In Ukraine, the most popular top-level domain is UA, which is used for the majority of the country’s websites.

The domain name is formed in accordance with established rules. The domain consists of several components: the top-level domain, root and second-level domain, as well as a subdomain.

Top-level domain UA: history and characteristics

UA is a top-level domain in Ukraine. It is used for registering new websites that target Ukrainian users. Typically, second-level subdomains are used when registering trademarks or commercial organizations. According to current legislation, registration of second-level domains in the domain zone is possible in cases where the website name completely matches the name of the trademark.

.XYZ Domain Zone: The Future of the Internet

The .XYZ domain was introduced in 2014 as an alternative to traditional top-level domains. This domain zone offers users a fresh and trendy choice, especially relevant for the new generation of internet projects.а.

South Sudan Starts .SS Domain Name Registration

On June 1, 2020, the National Communication Authority (NCA) will officially launch the top-level domain .SS.

South Sudan will also have its unique domain (.ss).

The National Communication Authority (NCA) is currently the agency managing the .SS domain name registry, and with this notice, it wishes to inform the general public about the launch phases and the procedure of the .SS domain name.

The registration process will go through three stages, as described below, before it reaches the general availability period, this process will take 90 calendar days.

Осенняя акция по доменам .UA

Регистратор доменов RX-NAME проводит осеннюю акцию!

Только до 1 декабря 2017 г. осуществите перенос вашего домена .UA к нам на обслуживание и получите один из подарки от нашей компании.

Домен переходит на протокол EPP!

С 15 мая 2017 года домен, который является географическим доменом города Николаева и Николаевской области, переходит на новый протокол автоматизации EPP.

Успей купить или продлить домен UA

Мы рады сообщить вам, что мы ценим ваше внимание и ценим ваш подход.

Главное мы понимаем ваши потребности и по этому мы хотим подарить вам уважаемые клиенты грандиозную скидку на регистрацию, продление и перенос домена UA.

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